Copyright 1927 by The New York Times Company
Special Cable to the New York Times
Thousands were left homeless by Monday's earthquake, in which in Palestine alone hundreds were killed and 1,000 were injured.
Though expert examination is still to be made, it is believed that no irreparable damage was caused to historic buildings, but hundreds of private houses will require extensive repair or rebuilding. In fact, very few buildings of any kind entirely escaped.
The "Dome of the Rock" it is now stated was badly shaken and the many repairs of recent years were rendered useless. Serious injury to the Government house on the Mount of Olives rendered it unfit for habitation, and the tower is in danger of collapse. A Russian maid servant was killed in the building by falling stones.
The slender tower of the Russian building still stands, though there are fears for its safety. Serious cracks appeared in one minaret of the Haram-es-Sherif and the Chapel of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives has been badly damaged, the upper part of its minaret having broken off.
Banked portions of the Jericho Road have shifted slightly in parts and it is somewhat unsafe. The Church Missionary Society school, southwest of the Old Wall of Jerusalem, had much damage done to its walls.
In the Basilica in Bethlehem there is a crack opposite the Armenian Door and many in the walls of the Armenian Convent. The Armenian Church of St. James in Jerusalem apparently was unhurt, but most of the arches were cracked in the monastery.
The top of the minaret at David's Tower was broken off and some stones were displaced in the other tower.
The Hebrew University is estimated to have suffered many thousands of dollars damage and the well-built new Jewish quarter north of Jerusalem was badly shaken. So violent was the shock in certain areas that many persons were thrown from their beds.
At the Russian compound the shock was so sever that three of the columns supporting the cupola of the Russian church fell, leaving the cupola precariously supported by the four remaining columns. In the Beth Israel quarter the Bagdhdadese Synagogue collapsed.
The Winter Palace Hotel in Jericho fell to the ground. Three Indian tourists were killed and many other guests were injured.
The loss of life was serious in the villages around Jerusalem, such as Ain Karim, Lifta, Silawan, Yalo, Ramleh, Abu Dis, Beth Iksa and Bir Zeit. In Semakh and Acca the mosques were badly damaged. In Amman, where ten were killed, the British representative's house and the Prime Minister's house were destroyed. At Es Salt eighty-five were killed and 180 were injured.
Many persons slept in the open last night, some for fear of further shocks, and other because their homes had been destroyed by the earthquake.
The Samaritan community at Nablus suffered greatly. Their synagogue shows dangerous cracks. All of the houses collapsed or are in danger of collapsing. The community is now living in tents in the cemetery of the hillside.
JERUSALEM, July 13 (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
Four hundred bodies have been recovered from the debris of the earthquake Monday afternoon in Palestine cities and villages.
The loss suffered by the public and private buildings in the earthquake was set at $1,250,000 in a tentative estimate made today.
According to the list compiled by Authorities, the number of injured was placed at 450. The list shows that eight were killed in Amman, the capital of Transjordania, and eighty-five in Es Salt. No casualties were reported among the Jewish population in the country.
Thousands of families all over the country spent last night in the open air, fearing a repetition of the earthquake. Not a house in Jerusalem or Hebron is without some damage.
Two synagogues, one in Jerusalem, the other in Tiberias, were destroyed. In several Palestinian towns the Moslem mosques and the Government office buildings were damaged. The house of the British representative in Amman, Transjordania, was totally destroyed. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, as well as the Greek Choir Chapel and two large domes are damaged.
A message of sympathy was received by Colonel Symes, Acting High Commissioner, from Lord Plumer, the High Commissioner, who is now on vacation in England.
A leading Moslem architect, who has inspected the temple area, estimates that the total damage by the earthquake there at less than 1000 Pounds.
He denies the report that the Dome of the Rock, or Kubbet Es-Sakhra has been damaged by the quake; he says that a slight crack visible in the mosaic work is probably due to earlier deterioration.
LONDON, July 13 (AP)
The Daily Mail's Haifa (Syria) correspondent says that 500 persons were killed in the earthquake in Palestine and Transjordania and that more than 700 houses in Jerusalem and the surrounding districts were damaged.
These included the Greek convent and the Patriarch's residence on the Mount of Olives. A minaret fell while a sheik was reciting prayers, killing him.
The damage to Jerusalem is estimated at about 100,000 Pounds.
Thousands of watermelons rolled from a warehouse at Haifa owing to the vibrations of the earthquake and while some persons ran for safety, others chased the melons and feasted.
ROME, July 13 (AP)
Pope Pius has been deeply grieved by the news of the earthquake disaster in the Holy Land and has sent instructions to the Patriarchs at Jerusalem concerning relief work.
The Pontiff has made many inquiries concerning the gravity of the disaster.
Special to The New York Times.
Twenty-five were killed and thirty-eight injured in the Jerusalem district earthquake on Monday, according to first reports on the disaster received by the State Department from Oscar S. Heizer, the American Consul at Jerusalem. No Americans were killed or injured so far as known.
With reports from several districts missing, Heizer said casualties were summarized as follows: At Ramleh-19 killed, 28 wounded. At Nablus-15 killed, 250 wounded. At Ramallah District-3 killed. At Hebron-3 killed.
Nathan Straus cabled 5,000 pounds to Jerusalem yesterday for the relief of earthquake sufferers. The Hadassah, or Women's Zionist Organization of America, sent $40,675 for the same purpose.
Mr. Straus sen the following cablegram to Dr. E. M. Bluestone, Director of the Hadassah Hospital in Palestine:
Sending five thousands pounds by cable for feeding and caring for earthquake sufferers without distinctions race or creed. Please use funds through my soup kitchen and child welfare station and Hadassah for action relief not for building repairs. Confirm receipt.
The Hadassah Medical Organization has a staff of 550 persons. Dr. E. M. Bluestone, former Assistant Director of Mount Sinai Hospital, is Director of the organization. The Hadassah hospitals, clinics and infant welfare stations are conducted according to scientific American standards.